//GETTING_OLD... (?)
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Oh, looks like you found me again. Not that it’s hard to track me down in this digital maze...
Today's blog post is going to be pretty casual, I just wanted to share something that happened to me recently !
Last week was "Kid's day" at work, which means that some kids of school age were visiting our office building and getting a guided tour of that we do here. To help them find a career they're interested in, and mostly to visit their parents at work !
I wasn't in charge of the tour at all, but the room where my desk is located was part of the
guided tour, mostly to show them a demo of what we do all day. So basically, a LOT of kids
were passing by my desk, and staring at me a little bit I won't lie... For context, I have blue hair and piercings on my face in
real life, so I'm used to kids staring at me LOL
I noticed in one of the groups, a girl with dyed red hair, it was a dark red over her natural color. Pretty natural-looking but still enough for me to notice. So as she passed by my desk, I complimented her on her hair color because I know how it feels to "stand out" when you're a teen, so I wanted to hype up her confidence ! She smiled at me and said "Thank you, I like your hair too" so mission accomplished.
BUT THEN... something happened that I couldn't have predicted... At the end of the
tour, when
she was about to leave, she came to my desk and asked "Can I take a selfie with you? Your
hair is really cool" ! I was flattered, but flabbergasted to be honest My
also heard her and were all looking in my direction, as flabbergasted as I was. I told her
"sure ! no problem!" and posed for the selfie.
Now that's where I'm confused, I don't understand why she would ask for a selfie with a
random stranger ??? Is it just that I'm old, and I don't understand how kids think anymore
??? I thought about it long and hard, and my theory is : She
probably, just like I did during most of my life, heard her parents tell her "yOu wiLL nEvER
fInD a
jOb wiTh tHis hAir cOlOr" and took a selfie with me, an engineer with colored hair, to show
them that people do in-fact get jobs with colored hair, and to shut them up
This is the most plausible theory that I have... What do you think ? Do you have another
theory ??? I'm still very confused about it... I fear I just don't understand kids anymore
and I'm just out of touch
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