moving background

The current mood of yokiie at
code (hotlinking encouraged)

ASCII Art  (Color)

ascii-bouquet3-color ascii-bouquet3 ascii-dancetall-color ascii-dance-color ascii-dance ascii-blanket-color ascii-blanket
ascii-comfort-color ascii-comfort ascii-firework ascii-fireworks-color

ASCII Art  (Color)  - Page 2

ascii-stack-color ascii-stack ascii-panic-color ascii-sleep3-color ascii-sleep3 ascii-police-color ascii-police ascii-lamp-color ascii-lamp

ASCII Art  (Color)  - Page 3

ascii-tantrum-color ascii-tantrum ascii-magic1-color ascii-magic1 ascii-magic2-color ascii-magic2 ascii-group-color ascii-happybirthdaybouquet-color ascii-happybirthdaybouquet ascii-faded

ASCII Art  (Color)  - Page 4

ascii-happybirthday1-color ascii-happybirthday1 ascii-friedshrimp-color ascii-friedshrimp

ASCII Art  (Doodle style)

ascii-balloon-doodle ascii-bicycle-doodle ascii-cheer-doodle ascii-dance-doodle ascii-fart-doodle ascii-jumpgroup-doodle ascii-laugh-doodle ascii-onigiri-doodle ascii-reading-doodle ascii-running-doodle ascii-team-doodle

ASCII Art  (Big size)

ascii-box ascii-jumpfence ascii-tidyup ascii-waterhose

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 2

ascii-toys ascii-cathug ascii-catgun

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 3

ascii-catfishing ascii-catmoles

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 4

ascii-catswim ascii-mugi ascii-catswim2

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 5

ascii-busstop ascii-catwheel

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 6

ascii-cattv ascii-catmario

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 7

ascii-book ascii-turnips

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 8

ascii-lab ascii-mechanicalpencil

ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 9


ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 10


ASCII Art  (Big size) - Page 11


ASCII Art  (Medium size) - Page 1

ascii-babies ascii-bait ascii-banana ascii-bouquet1 ascii-bouquet2 ascii-boxcat ascii-boxhead ascii-butt ascii-cake ascii-catbeheaded ascii-couple ascii-dancefast

ASCII Art  (Medium size) - Page 2

ascii-computer ascii-dance2 ascii-dance4 ascii-danceduo ascii-delivery ascii-devil ascii-disappear ascii-embarassed ascii-fart ascii-jumpcat ascii-signs ascii-yoyo

ASCII Art  (Medium size) - Page 3

ascii-fan ascii-fluffy ascii-fly ascii-frontflip ascii-ghost ascii-jump ascii-goodnight ascii-punchfluffy ascii-iceskate ascii-laugh ascii-yokai ascii-speechbubble ascii-teacher

ASCII Art  (Medium size) - Page 4

ascii-magic3 ascii-kappa ascii-lampfall ascii-noodle ascii-onigiri ascii-onigiridance ascii-panic1 ascii-panic2 ascii-parkridepunch ascii-sepuku ascii-shrug ascii-teleport

ASCII Art  (Medium size) - Page 5

ascii-peeking ascii-pig ascii-poundmochi ascii-punch ascii-showing ascii-sleep1 ascii-sleep2 ascii-snow ascii-hanami1 ascii-hanami2

ASCII Art  (Medium size) - Page 6

ascii-sunset ascii-throwing ascii-tripping ascii-tv ascii-warmtea ascii-wedding ascii-weed ascii-window ascii-winter

Tamagotchi Web Pet

I made this little Javascript widget to display a tamagotchi on your web page, with a randomized animation. Feel free to use it as long as you credit me ! I only made Mimitchi so far, but I'm planning to add more characters in the future.
Paste the code in the box below, wherever you want on your web page.

Backgrounds / Wallpapers

toro-pattern-1 toro-pattern-2 toro-pattern-3 toro-pattern-4 toro-pattern-5 toro-pattern-6 toro-pattern-7 toro-pattern-8 toro-pattern-9 toro-pattern-10 toro-pattern-11 toro-pattern-12 toro-pattern-13 toro-pattern-14 toro-pattern-15 toro-pattern-16 toro-pattern-17 toro-pattern-18 toro-pattern-19 toro-pattern-20 toro-pattern-21 toro-pattern-22 toro-pattern-23 toro-pattern-24 toro-pattern-25 toro-pattern-26 toro-pattern-27 toro-pattern-28 toro-pattern-29 toro-pattern-30 toro-pattern-31 toro-pattern-32


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Web Ads

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Created on : [July] 31, 2024
Last updated :